Legal Notice
Title: MAXONY Group
Headquarters: Route du Marchairuz 4B, 1261 Marchissy, Switzerland
Hosting: MAXONY Group at Swiss Virtual Host.
The logos on the MAXONY Group website are registered trademarks with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI).
The content, information and texts on the website of the MAXONY Group are protected by the Swiss Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (LDA) of 9 October 1992.
Their extraction is exclusively reserved for strictly personal, non-collective and non-commercial use.
Any other use, transmission, redistribution or reproduction of these photos, texts, logos and applications for non-personal and non-commercial purposes, including on any other website without prior express written consent of the MAXONY Group is strictly prohibited.
Any reproduction (transfer on another medium) or use of data on the MAXONY Group website is limited to personal and private use of the users of the Internet network, excluding any distribution, notably for commercial use.
Any reproduction or use, even for private purposes, of all or a substantial part of the data on the MAXONY Group website is strictly prohibited and liable to prosecution in accordance with the Swiss Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (LDA) of 9 October 1992, and to the international conventions in force.
Violation of these mandatory provisions makes the offender, and all persons responsible, subject to the penal and civil penalties provided for in the Act.
Hypertext links
The creation of hypertext links to the site and the sites of its products is subject to prior agreement of the Director of Publication. The hypertext links established to other websites from and the sites of its products can under no circumstances be held responsible for the MAXONY Group.
MAXONY Group makes every effort to provide users with a quality service and reliable, accurate and comprehensive information. However, no explicit or implicit warranty is made on this subject. MAXONY Group shall in no event be held liable for the use or interpretation of the information contained on the site and the sites of its products.